Burgundy Oriental Area Rugs: Timeless Elegance!

Burgundy Oriental Area Rugs: Timeless Elegance!

Oriental area rugs have become a popular choice for homeowners looking to add elegance to their homes in recent years due to a resurgence of interest in traditional home decor. These rugs are the ideal accent to any space because of their deep, striking burgundy color and unique patterns and motifs. This article will provide all the information you need to decide if you plan to buy burgundy oriental area rugs for your house. 

 Burgundy Oriental Area Rugs

History of Burgundy Oriental Area Rugs  

The beauty and artistry of Oriental rugs, which have been around for millennia, continue to be valuable. Originating in the Middle East, the craft of producing rugs spread to various regions of the globe. Since the 16th century, Burgundy has been a popular hue for oriental rugs. Iran, Turkey, and other countries in the Middle East produce burgundy rugs. Burgundy oriental rugs are available in a wide variety, each with its style and background. 

Choosing the Right Oriental Area Rug for Your Home  

There are several things to consider while picking an oriental area rug for your home. Important factors include the room's dimensions and shape, the rug's pattern and design, its material and construction, as well as the upkeep and cleaning procedures. 

Unique Ways to Use Burgundy Area Rugs in Your Home  

There are numerous ways to use Burgundy area rugs to improve your house's appearance. Here are a few creative ideas to decorate with Burgundy oriental rugs: 

  • As a statement piece in the living room: A large burgundy rug can create a focal point in your living room. Choose a rug with a bold pattern or design to make a statement. 
  • As a runner in the hallway: By using them as a runner, they can give coziness and style to your hallway. Choose a rug with a geometric pattern for a modern look or a floral pattern for a traditional look. 
  • As a warm addition to the bedroom: An area rug can add warmth and coziness to your bedroom. Choose a rug with a soft, plush pile for a luxurious feel. 
  • As an eye-catching element in the dining room: An oriental area rug can add drama and sophistication to your dining room. Choose a rug with a bold pattern or design to make a statement.

     Frequently Asked Questions  

    Here are some frequently asked questions about oriental area rugs: 

    Q: How do you determine the right size for your rug?  

    A: The size of your rug should be determined by your room's size and shape. Measure your room and choose a rug slightly smaller than your room size to create a border around the edges. 


    Q: How do you prevent rug slippage on hardwood or tile floors?  

    A: Use a rug pad to prevent rug slippage on hardwood or tile floors. Rug pads also extend the life of your rug by reducing friction between the rug and the floor. 


    Q: Are burgundy oriental area rugs expensive?  

    A: The price of a Burgundy oriental area rug depends on the size, quality, and material. At imperialpersianrugs.com, we offer a wide range of oriental area rugs to suit every budget.